A look into my life

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ok so I have realized that posting on myspace opens me up to a lot of people knowing my business, who I may not want to know. Those of you who care will check back here every once in a while. I am going to try to blog every day but right now I am just really busy so I can't promise.

Things at work are going well, I am busy all of the time, but I like it that way. Of course I have my "problem children" as I like to call them. But for the most part I am pleasently suprised at how every one has just started to step it up. I have the most awesome Assistant Child Care Director. She has really made my life easier and taken over the mundane shit, she is out right now recovering from surgery and I have to say I miss her around there. Jill get better soon! We just got done with an auction that didn't go as well as we would have planned, but it was a great night anyways. There is one person who seems to piss me off more and more every day. She just has not work ethics and does not do her job, which seems to fall back on me. I mean if you don't want to do things right then quit and let someone who wants to be there run the program. So enough about that......

So I am about 3 months into my no driving because of my seizure. It is still very hard, but I am lucky to have the true friends that I have, because without them I think I would have lost my mind. Speaking of losing my mind, about 2 weeks ago I was having a bad night, everyone just seemed to be pissing me off and me being not so smart decided to take my anger out on a wall. Lets just say the wall won. I have been in constant pain for the past two weeks thanks to a fracture in my hand. I definentaly won't be doing that again.....

I have finally cut both Mike out of my life. I don't know what I was thinking these past 2 years, he never loved me, and I now realize that. To be honest I am not sure that I ever loved him either. I realized if I loved someone I never would have done half of the things that I did. Speaking of that "K" really suprised me in the way he just cut me out of his life as well. That was a harsh reality to me, and to be honest every once in a while it still upsets me, only because he was the first person that I ever really loved, and at one time felt that he really loved me too.

So enough about the dreded ex's, I have met someone new. He is AMAZING, he is the guy in the pics on my myspace account. I met him one night when I was out with my brother, and I haven't been able to get him out of my mind since then. I don't want to get my hopes up or jinx anything but I can feel myself falling for him. By falling I am thinking the "L" word. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him, and can't help but smile when I am around him. He is so understanding about the whole not driving thing, which not many people would be. So who knows where this will go..... I will keep you updated though!!!!!

I think I have said my piece for the night..... Good night everyone!
